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Stella is 56x76 - 2016_edited.jpg

Alessandra Bisi paintings

Mi dedico alla pittura da tutta la vita. La ho studiata come disciplina osservando e copiando i grandi maestri per imparare a comunicare attraverso la forma e il colore.

La pittura può restituire a chi la osserva l' immagine dei sentimenti e delle emozioni che potrebbero essere solo descritte. La pittura può farle vivere.

I have been dedicating myself to painting all my life. I studied it as a discipline by observing and copyng the great masters to learn how to communicate through form and color. Painting can give back to the observer the image of feelings and emotions that  could only be described. Painting can bring them to life.

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Dal 2020 realizzo arte per Life Positive Design


Alessandra Bisi Abstract paintings contemporary artist Italy- 

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